So far this year I seem to be on top of things for the most part. I have missed recording the colors of some of my early peonies in the past couple of years. It seems like by the time I remember to do it, the early peonies are finished blooming. However this year I have gotten the chance to record the colors of several of my early blooming peonies, including one of my favorites, Peony 'Lavender'. I still missed Peony 'Early Scout' this year. Perhaps I will get that one next year! I plan to update my Inventory page with the RHS colors and bloom types data from my surveys soon, and I plan to add the bloom season eventually, when I collect enough data for the bloom seasons for my growing zone.

Peony 'Honor'

Peony 'Roy Pehrson's Best Yellow'

Peony 'Firelight'
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