Monday, September 24, 2012

2012 Peony Experiments - Intersectional Divisions

I divided a huge Peony 'Bartzella' this week with 24 stems. I ended up with 10 divisions. Four of the divisions have large root systems, and I know they will grow fine. However 6 of them had little to no root left on them. Since Peony 'Bartzella' DNA seems to be quite valuable these days, and I am not currently in the business of cloning :), I thought I'd plant them out to see if they'd survive, grow, and thrive. Some of them have only a stem and a bud on them. So those I planted a little deeper hoping for an adventitious root. I know some peonies are known to create adventitious buds. So I'll be curious to see if these are able to develop adventitious roots. :) I planted these out in my new peony seedling test bed which I guess is now just my peony test bed. I also had a little helper that sprinkled a bit of water on them. :)
Peony 'Bartzella' Division
with Small Roots
Peony 'Bartzella' Division
with Small Roots Planted
Peony 'Bartzella' Division
with Tiny Roots
Peony 'Bartzella' Division
with Tiny Roots Planted
Peony 'Bartzella' Division
with No Roots
Peony 'Bartzella' Division
with No Roots Planted

Peony Helper


  1. I just checked my eyeless bare root keiko itoh peonies today, and some of them are starting to form eyes of their own which I expected, but not this soon.

    I plan on keeping them right around 45F in my greenhouse to ensure proper vernalization. I'm not sure if your branch cuttings will take root, but I believe that large tuberous roots can produce viable divisions since they tend to produce their own eyes like potatoes.

  2. Steve,

    That sounds very exciting! Good luck! Yes, I think I am expecting something similar.

