This is an update on the progress of my newest intersectional peony garden. My original intersectional peony garden is in partial shade/partial sun. This new one is in full sun. Last summer I first started with
Soil Solarization. Then I added lots of
New Dirt underneath. In the fall I
Planted the intersectional peonies. Since several of these peonies were moved from partial shade to full sun, it didn't take long for them to get
Toasted. However all of them came back this spring, except two of the
Intersectional Peonies on Ebay I'd purchased. That was kind of disappointing, but that's a lesson on trying to buy things cheap! Anyway as you can see I did get some blooms in my intersectional peony garden this year, with the star of the show being Peony 'Sonoma Amethyst' that I'd purchased from an actual peony grower, Adelman. Another beauty near the back of the bed is Peony 'White Emperor' with which I was also quite impressed. As you can see it wasn't much to look at this year, but I'm very hopeful for next year. We have had so much rain this summer, it's just amazing. I think our rainfall this is going to break a record or come close! I just checked, and our local weather report says we are more than 10 inches ahead of last year's rain totals. So it has really been wet this year so far. I don't think the plants have had any opportunities to be thirsty this year at all! So hopefully that translates into bigger and better peony plants next year!

Intersectional Peony Garden in Bloom (May 2013)

Intersectional Peony Garden in Bloom (May 2013)
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