There hasn't been too much going on in the garden this summer. I have cut back a few instances of blight or dieback that I've noticed on some peony stems, but other than that, it has been a pretty good summer for peonies. We've had quite a bit of rain this year, so there have been very few instances of thirsty, droopy peony foliage. With such little stress and lots of opportunity for growth, I'm looking forward to seeing the growth in size of all the peonies next year. I've also been working quite a bit on some not-in-the-garden peony projects this summer. I recently updated my
Inventory page to include hybridizer information about each variety. The new data contains the hybridizer and the year the peony variety was registered with the American Peony Society. I've also been working on a few projects for the American Peony Society itself, including another bulletin article for their September issue (look for a reprint soon), official APS peony photos, and a project to donate peonies to a local arboretum for public education and enjoyment - more details to come about all of these projects very soon!

Southern Peony Inventory
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