I was really amazed by the performance of Peony 'Lovely Rose' this week. The color is just gorgeous - a delicate, almost coral, light pink. The petals are all neatly arranged on every one of its flowers, each flower sitting high above the lovely green foliage. I was just so drawn to it that I couldn't stop taking pictures of it. It even made this list of my favorite
Peony Blooms - Early Mid - Week 3. Peony 'Lovely Rose' is a Saunders hybrid peony that is semi-double and blooms early. This is a great peony selection for the early blooming peony garden that will give you beautiful colored, symmetrical blooms on medium green, upright foliage.

Peony 'Lovely Rose'
Southern Peony Best Performer

Peony 'Lovely Rose'
Southern Peony Best Performer
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