I finally got my first peony order of the year in yesterday. I was planning to place my order with Solaris Farms. I had been waiting to place my order until now because I had other large expense in previous months like new tires for my car, a trip to the
2015 American Peony Society Convention in Kentucky, etc. Anyway I guess I waited too late in the year because one of the peonies I wanted to order from Solaris Farms was already sold out for 2015, Peony 'Sonoma Velvet Ruby'. I really want to order this peony because the red color is nice, but another reason is because I am looking for a red intersectional whose foliage doesn't get brown spots on it very early in the season. Both of my other red intersectional peonies, Peony 'Scarlet Heaven' and Peony 'Lafayette Escadrille' get the
Intersectional Peony Fungal Disease Peony Blotch on them. So I'm hoping Peony 'Sonoma Velvet Ruby' will have different enough genetics that perhaps it won't get this disease.

2015 Peony Order - 3 Intersectional Peonies
Peonies 'First Arrival', 'Sonoma Velvet Ruby', and 'Smith Family Yellow'
from Adelman Peony Gardens
I'm sure it is no surprise that all three of the peonies I ordered this year were intersectional peonies. I ended up placing my peony order this year with Peony Paradise,
Adelman Peony Gardens this year. Their prices were a little higher than Solaris Farms for both Peony 'First Arrival' and Peony 'Sonoma Velvet Ruby',
2015 Intersectional Peony Catalog Price Comparison List. However they did have a peony I've been really wanting called Peony 'Smith's Family Yellow' since 2013. I was hoping they price would drop a bit, but it hasn't yet, and I'm tired of waiting! The other peony I ordered, Peony 'First Arrival', I already have, but it is mislabeled. I ordered it from some other non-peony grower, and I got Peony 'Bartzella' instead! So now I should get the real thing. :-)
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