k. van Bourgondien Catalog Cover Spring 2018
Peony 'Yellow Crown'
It was nice to receive an 8X10 full color glossy catalog in the mail with a photo of a yellow intersectional peony on the front of it. I have ordered from k. van Bourgondien in the past, but have unsubscribed from their catalog. I guess they decided to send me one more, and when I received this one with its huge, yellow intersectional blooms on the front, I couldn't help but smile. I know that it may be a gamble to order from them, and the prices are temptingly low $35 each or 3 for $80 (for most varieties), but you may not get the varieties you are hoping for. If nothing else, hopefully this will get people more interested in peonies. Intersectional peonies are such great growers, even if we just get one mislabeled variety into the hands of more gardeners, it will pique their interest in peonies and make them hungry for more! Then hopefully we can point them in the direction of more reliable, direct from the peony farm growers. :-)

k. van Bourgondien Spring 2018
Intersectional Peony Offerings
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