Tree Peony 'Imperial Crown' at Song Sparrow
Every year I keep hearing that this is going to be the last year of operation at Song Sparrow, but somehow they just keep on going. I have been wanting this Tree Peony 'Imperial Crown' for a few years now. I always hesitate to purchase things because I need to wait until the next month to buy it (for budget reasons), and then by the time the next month rolls around, it is sold out. I'm starting to worry that if I don't order it now, I may lose the opportunity. If anyone knows me, they know how much I love purple, and the purple color on this Tree Peony 'Imperial Crown' is just eye-popping! I hope it's that gorgeous in person. Also if I order it now, I *might* get to see it bloom this spring! That's the nice thing about the tree peonies (and intersectional peonies) at Song Sparrow. They sell them as potted plants that they ship spring through fall! My order is in! I can't wait to get it!
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