Intersectional Peony 'All That Jazz' on Ebay
Since I wasn't really sure about the 2020 Ordering Peonies on Etsy from ExoticseedsLatvia peony I ordered, I decided to snag one of these Intersectional Peony 'All That Jazz' I saw on Ebay. I was wondering why the shipping was so high on this one, but then I figured maybe it must be a potted plant. Noticing the description also says, "shipped in container", made it seem like this might be a nice large potted plant. A potted plant seemed like it might have a better chance to be the correct/actual variety. So I decided to take a chance on this ITOH PEONY sold by 1critter4u.
Intersectional Peony 'All That Jazz' from 1critter4u on Ebay
Sure enough, when this thing arrived it was in a massive box, probably 4 feet tall. When it got here I was hoping it might be my 2020 Tree Peony 'Imperial Crown' at Song Sparrow, which hasn't arrived yet. However it was the Intersectional Peony 'All That Jazz' that I'd ordered from Ebay. The description of this one sounds interesting:
"Can host up to 50 softly fragrant blooms at a time at maturity."
"With its thrilling colors and impressive performance, 'All That Jazz' Itoh peony is a cross of its kind - a mix of herbaceous and tree peonies which features the best qualities of its parentage. The luxurious blooms are fully double and often reach 6 inches across. Each gently fragrant blossom is a work of art displaying unique patterns of pale apricot splashed with magenta and up to 50 flowers may appear on the plant at once. Along with its elegant looks, this shrub is also quick resilient and boasts impressive winter hardiness and a lengthy bloomtime."
Intersectional Peony 'All That Jazz'
This Intersectional Peony 'All That Jazz' is a Don R. Smith hybrid. See my interview with Don here, 2016 Peony Hybridizer Interview - Don R. Smith (This peony was also the month of September in the calendar I received recently, 2020 Intersectional Peony Calendar). I'm hoping this is the correct peony variety. As you can see this intersectional peony came fully grown with 8 stems on it, and it does actually have intersectional peony folaige. There do not appear to be any buds on it. Hopefully I can get it planted quickly so that it may establish itself, get happy, and develop a bud or two for next year!! :-)
Intersectional Peony 'All That Jazz' Stems
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