If you'd like to compare this year's prices to prices 2 years ago, here's a link to the Southern Peony 2020 Herbaceous Hot 100 Peony Catalog Price Comparison List. Even if you don't want to spend that much on one peony (yet!), at least you can drool! Enjoy!
It was a little sad to take Song Sparrow off the list since they closed at the end of 2020. (If you'd like your company to be listed here, please join the American Peony Society as a Commercial Member, since this is where I obtain my peony grower information.)
Herbaceous Hot 100 Peony Price List
Peony 'Tropicana'
Offered | from Last Year | ||
Adelman |
![]() | mixed, lower, higher, & same | |
Blossom Hill |
![]() | lower | |
Brooks |
![]() | higher & same | |
Cricket Hill |
![]() | same | |
Fina |
![]() | lower | |
Hidden Springs |
![]() | same | |
Hollingsworth |
![]() | mostly lower | |
Oh My Peonies |
![]() | lower | |
Peony's Envy |
![]() | same | |
Peony Shop Holland |
![]() | mostly lower | |
Solaris Farms |
![]() | mixed, lower, same, & higher | |
Swenson |
![]() | mixed, same, lower, & higher |
Herbaceous Peony | Price | Vendor |
Angela Jo | $320.00 | Hollingsworth |
Anna | $450.00 | Hollingsworth |
Alexander Woollcott | $75.00 | Hidden Springs |
Bethie | $200.00 | Solaris Farms |
Black Swan | $100.00 | Solaris Farms |
Blood Moon | $450.00 | Solaris Farms |
Bashful Queen | €350.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Bob | $100.00 | Fina |
Bob | $125.00 | Hidden Springs |
Calliope | $250.00 | Solaris Farms |
Cherry Bomb | $600.00 | Solaris Farms |
Constance Spry | $200.00 | Swenson |
Dreamtime | $80.00 | Hollingsworth |
Dreamtime | $90.00 | Solaris Farms |
Dreamtime | $120.00 | Oh My Peonies |
Early Canary | $90.00 | Hollingsworth |
Early Canary | $125.00 | Hidden Springs |
Early Canary | €150.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Echoes of Love | $400.00 | Solaris Farms |
Edna's Wish | $450.00 | Hollingsworth |
Enchanted | $110.00 | Hollingsworth |
Europa | $375.00 | Solaris Farms |
Euterpe | $150.00 | Solaris Farms |
Faithful Dream | $90.00 | Hollingsworth |
Faithful Dream | $100.00 | Swenson |
Faithful Dream | €250.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Fire Bomb | $200.00 | Swenson |
Gena Marie | $300.00 | Hollingsworth |
Glorious Arrival | $500.00 | Swenson |
Glorious Blush | $750.00 | Swenson |
Glorious Cheer | $1000.00 | Swenson |
Glorious Grace | $750.00 | Swenson |
Glorious Honey | $750.00 | Swenson |
Glorious Hope | $1000.00 | Swenson |
Glorious Imprint | $175.00 | Swenson |
Glorious Lavender | $2000.00 | Swenson |
Glorious Look | $150.00 | Swenson |
Glorious Passion | $300.00 | Swenson |
Glorious Secret | $750.00 | Swenson |
Glorious Sound | $300.00 | Swenson |
Glorious Whisper | $125.00 | Swenson |
Golden Angel | $38.00 | Hollingsworth |
Golden Wheel | $100.00 | Swenson |
Greenland | $75.00 | Brooks |
Greenland | $80.00 | Adelman |
Greenland | €80.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Green Monster | €320.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Hanadama Pearl | $500.00 | Solaris Farms |
Heather | $270.00 | Hollingsworth |
Hot Gates | $400.00 | Solaris Farms |
Imperial Fuchsia | $100.00 | Hollingsworth |
Independence Day | €55.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Independence Day | $125.00 | Hidden Springs |
John's Dream | C$100.00 | Blossom Hill |
John's Dream | $350.00 | Solaris Farms |
Joyful Adornment | €300.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Joyful Anointing | €300.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Joyful Beginning | €330.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Joyful Bliss | €300.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Joyful Blush | €600.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Joyful Celebration | €330.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Joyful Clouds | €640.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Joyful Compassion | €640.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Joyful Dancing | €120.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Joyful Desire | €120.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Joyful Frills | €300.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Joyful Gleam | €120.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Joyful Harmony | €120.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Joyful Hope | €120.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Joyful Horizon | €120.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Joyful Hush | €120.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Joyful Love | €300.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Joyful Moon | €600.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Joyful Morning | €120.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Joyful Nobility | €300.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Joyful Note | €120.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Joyful Romantic | €800.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Joyful Salver | €300.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Joyful Sun | €120.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Joyful Well | €120.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Juliska | $48.00 | Hidden Springs |
Juliska | $49.99 | Hidden Springs |
Juliska | $72.00 | Adelman |
Kathy's Touch | $50.00 | Hollingsworth |
Kathy's Touch | €55.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Kathy's Touch | $75.00 | Brooks |
Kayleigh Ann | $190.00 | Hollingsworth |
Kayleigh Ann | $300.00 | Solaris Farms |
Kayleigh Ann | €320.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
KimSue | $175.00 | Solaris Farms |
K-Nina | $100.00 | Hollingsworth |
Lavender | $90.00 | Hollingsworth |
Lembrose | $2500.00 | Swenson |
Lemon Chiffon | €22.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Lemon Chiffon | $50.00 | Solaris Farms |
Lemon Chiffon | $59.00 | Cricket Hill |
Lemon Chiffon | $60.00 | Fina |
Lemon Chiffon | $60.00 | Hollingsworth |
Lemon Chiffon | $60.00 | Adelman |
Lemon Chiffon | $65.00 | Brooks |
Lemon Hayes | €300.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Little Corporal | $148.00 | Fina |
Little Corporal | $160.00 | Solaris Farms |
Little Corporal | $179.00 | Hidden Springs |
Little Dorrit | $300.00 | Swenson |
Lois' Choice | $90.00 | Hollingsworth |
Lois' Choice | $95.00 | Brooks |
Lois' Choice | $120.00 | Adelman |
Lois' Choice | $120.00 | Oh My Peonies |
Lois' Choice | $120.00 | Solaris Farms |
Lois' Choice | $129.00 | Cricket Hill |
Majesty's Bonnet | €175.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Majesty's Heart | €200.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Majesty's Light | €200.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Majesty's Splendor | €200.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Majesty's Star | €200.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Melissa | $100.00 | Swenson |
Melissa | $120.00 | Hollingsworth |
Melissa | $165.00 | Adelman |
Mystic Embers | $400.00 | Oh My Peonies |
Mystic Pink | $250.00 | Oh My Peonies |
Necromancer | $80.00 | Hollingsworth |
Nelda's Joy | $175.00 | Brooks |
Nelda's Joy | $185.00 | Adelman |
Nelda's Joy | €200.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
New Dimension | $160.00 | Hollingsworth |
Northwind Maiden | $100.00 | Solaris Farms |
Old Soldier | $95.00 | Solaris Farms |
Omega Centauri | $200.00 | Solaris Farms |
Pastelegance | €98.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Pastelegance | $140.00 | Hollingsworth |
Pastelegance | $150.00 | Swenson |
Pastelegance | $160.00 | Solaris Farms |
Pastelegance | $165.00 | Adelman |
Pastelegance | $170.00 | Oh My Peonies |
Pastelorama | $150.00 | Hollingsworth |
Pastelorama | $150.00 | Swenson |
Pastelorama | $179.00 | Hidden Springs |
Pastelorama | $180.00 | Solaris Farms |
Pastelorama | €200.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Patricia Jean | $650.00 | Hollingsworth |
Plum Surprise | $150.00 | Swenson |
Porcelain Doll | $150.00 | Hollingsworth |
Queen of Diamonds | $500.00 | Solaris Farms |
Queen Rose | $100.00 | Swenson |
Quitzin | $88.00 | Hollingsworth |
Raspberry Delight | $150.00 | Hollingsworth |
Roger's Delight | $1000.00 | Swenson |
Roger's Prize | $500.00 | Swenson |
Roger's Red | $400.00 | Swenson |
Scarlet Tanager | $400.00 | Swenson |
Seidl's Super | $170.00 | Hollingsworth |
Seidl's Super | $180.00 | Solaris Farms |
Sentry | $100.00 | Hollingsworth |
Sky Dance | $325.00 | Solaris Farms |
Solara | $120.00 | Hollingsworth |
Solara | $140.00 | Solaris Farms |
Spring Sun | $425.00 | Hollingsworth |
Stephen E Ambrose | $250.00 | Swenson |
Summer Glow | $80.00 | Adelman |
Summer Glow | $90.00 | Hollingsworth |
Summer Glow | $95.00 | Solaris Farms |
Sumvitg | €220.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Sunny Boy | $200.00 | Hollingsworth |
Sunny Boy | $225.00 | Solaris Farms |
Sunny Girl | €23.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Sunny Girl | $32.00 | Solaris Farms |
Sunny Girl | $49.00 | Cricket Hill |
Sweet Lemonade | $125.00 | Adelman |
Sweet Lemonade | €150.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Tropicana | $50.00 | Hollingsworth |
Tropicana | $60.00 | Solaris Farms |
Triphena Parkin | €330.00 | Peony Shop Holland |
Triton | $650.00 | Solaris Farms |
Valkyrie | $80.00 | Hollingsworth |
Vanilla Schnapps | $70.00 | Hollingsworth |
Vanilla Schnapps | $85.00 | Solaris Farms |
Vanilla Schnapps | $125.00 | Hidden Springs |
Viking Valor | $75.00 | Solaris Farms |
Virginia Emerson | $90.00 | Hollingsworth |
White Vanguard | $390.00 | Hollingsworth |
Wonderous Portrait | $200.00 | Swenson |
Wonderous Secret | $500.00 | Swenson |