Peony Color Matching Tree Peony 'Lavender Hill'
I was able to capture some new peony colors this past bloom season. You can find the results of these new color codings on our Southern Peony Colors page. It takes good timing, a good "to do list", a good memory, and a handy RHS Color Chart to make this happen. It is really easy to miss the bloom on a particular plant on just the right day. Luckily, I was able to capture 13 new color codings last spring for my Southern Peony Color chart. We now have 226 peonies color coded!!! Wow! If you are looking to design with color, whether it be for your garden or for a bouquet, I hope you find our peony color chart useful! Enjoy!!
Peony Color Matching Tree Peony 'KC Red'
Peony Color Matching Intersectional Peony 'Singing in the Rain'
The new peony color codings completed in 2019 and just added to our Southern Peony Color Chart are:
Autumn Harvest - 4A Yellow |
Canary Brilliants - 8C Light Yellow |
Coral Sunset - 48C Red Pink |
Faithful Dream - 38B Light Red Pink |
First Arrival - N74C |
Krekler's Red - 58A Purple |
Magical Mystery Tour - 38B Light Red Pink |
Nippon Beauty - 58A Purple |
Skylark - 58B Purple Red |
Sonoma Apricot - 8C Light Yellow |
Sonoma Blessing - 38D Light Red Pink |
Tropicana - 52A Dark Pink Red |
Zuzu - N155B White |
Peony Color Matching Tree Peony 'Shimadaijin'

Peony Color Matching Tree Peony 'Lavender Grace'